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love to read and write poems, verses, and quotes. When I started expressing my feelings in the form of poems, I thought why not share it online. I was hesitating to share my poems at first but gathered the courage to create an account on Instagram to post my poems and quotes. You will find short poems, motivational quotes and of course the information about the recent blog posts on creative writing.


I started writing on Quora in the final year of my engineering. My first answer was anonymous and it received a lot of love from viewers. Then I started writing more. Now I write my experiences on quora and provide guidance for authors like me on some quora spaces.


Read Rucha Pantoji‘s answer to How was your first flying experience? on Quora


Read Rucha Pantoji‘s answer to Why do writers use pseudonyms? on Quora



I share some of the Writing tips and my thoughts on Medium. As a writer and blogger, Medium is the best platform. Blogging on Medium is one of my hobbies. I like sharing my knowledge with more readers on platforms like Medium.

Importance of outlining the novel before writing it!

While researching and reading the experiences of other writers, I came across two terms: Plotter who plan everything before writingand Pantser who write a novel without any planning just with a flow. At that time I was writing the first draft of my Wattpad novel as a Pantser.



I have 4 boards on Pinterest. One of the is explicitly for Authors. The other one is for bloggers and I also share some of my Instagram poems on Pinterest. Getting connected with more people with similar interests is easier with Pinterest.



Stay tuned!